ShiprocketX offers the best international shipping services from India to the russia. With a range of features and benefits, including multiple shipping modes, hassle-free customs clearance, real-time updates, and more, we are a top choice for businesses looking to ship their products globally.
ShiprocketX provides a shipping rate calculator that can help you calculate international shipping charges with a range of courier services based on your shipping needs.
Import Export Code (also known as IEC code) is a 10-digit identification number that is issued by the DGFT (Director General of Foreign Trade), Department of Commerce, Government of India. It is also known as the Importer Exporter Code. An IEC code is required for shipping from India to russia.
Authorized Dealer Code, commonly known as AD code, is a 14-digit (sometimes 8-digit) numerical code a seller receives from the bank with which they have an account for their international business. AD code is obtained after IEC code registration and is mandatory for export customs clearance.