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Boost eCommerce Success with User Tracking and Personalisation

Sanjay Kumar Negi

Senior Marketing Manager @ Shiprocket

July 19, 2024

7 min read

In today’s evolving and competitive world of eCommerce, retail, and fast fashion, it is important to understand customers’ needs for sellers to excel. Businesses track user activities, personalise their experiences, customise recommendations, understand their behaviour, etc., to collect relevant data. This data is further used by sellers and businesses to personalise their services accordingly, make sound inventory decisions, align products with customer demands, etc. 

A deeper understanding of clients and their behaviours helps sellers and businesses adopt strategies to increase engagement and brand loyalty, maximise conversion rates, etc. Personalisation done by businesses is also seen as a unique experience for customers as it differentiates one business from others. This article further illustrates the importance of tracking user activities and personalisation for sellers while highlighting their benefits and recommending some top tools used to implement these strategies for long-term growth and success.

Top tools to track user activity and personalising experiences

What is the Importance of User Activity Monitoring and Personalisation?

In this world of eCommerce, fast fashion, and retail, it is important to understand the needs of your customers and cater to them. Tracking the user activities of customers and personalising their experiences as sellers is important for multiple reasons. Some of them are mentioned below:

  1. Understand customer preferences: Tracking the activities of users helps sellers analyse customer browsing patterns, click-throughs, order histories, etc., and understand what type of products and services their customers like. This tracking also helps sellers stock their inventory, accordingly reducing overstocking or understocking.
  2. Determine issues: Tracking user activity also helps customers monitor their websites or apps and understand if customers are facing any difficulties or reasons for their drop-offs. This will help sellers improve the user experience.
  3. Increase customer engagement: Personalisation and understanding of the audience’s needs make customers feel valued, which results in increased customer engagement with your business and loyalty.
  4. Improve conversion rates: Analysing user activity and personalising recommendations as per customer interests can impact conversion rates. When customers see brands making efforts by customising and personalising as per their interests, there is a high chance that browsing can convert into purchasing.
  5. Differentiate your brand or business in the market: In a marketplace where there are many sellers, one can differentiate themselves by offering a unique and customised shopping experience to their customers, which will not only provide a competitive edge but also attract new customers.

Top Tools to Track User Activity and Personalise Experiences

As marketplaces are evolving and accepting digitalisation with open arms, sellers in India are also adopting advanced tools to track user activities and personalise the experiences of their customers. Some of the top tools are mentioned below:

User activity monitoring tools

  1. Hotjar: Hotjar offers a visual representation of user behaviour through session recordings and heatmaps, which alerts sellers to where customers click, scroll, drop their purchases, etc., which further helps to assess users’ behaviour. The Hotjar tool also helps sellers get feedback from customers with qualitative data.
  2. Mixpanel: It has excelled at tracking particular user actions while analysing different user journeys. Mix panel is an event-based tracking system that helps sellers understand how customers are interacting with the site. It also conducts cohort and funnel analysis to identify the stages at which customers drop off; this further helps sellers improve retention and conversion of users.
  3. Dynatrace: It is a software intelligence platform design that is used by sellers to track, optimise, and manage the performance of their sites, products, apps, infrastructure, and digital experiences. Dynatrace is a combination of AIOps, application security, etc., on one platform, which helps sellers get accurate answers and automation data from users.
  4. Google Analytics: It is a significant tool to understand how users interact with websites while providing detailed information about the behaviour patterns of customers, traffic sources, user demographics, etc. Google Analytics helps you determine the issues with your website and how you can improve the user experience and increase conversion rates.
  5. Plerdy: It is a powerful multifunctional and cloud-based marketing tool that provides heatmaps, recording, click tracking, analysing user behaviours, better site design, etc. Plerdy monitors or tracks user activities like clicks, traffic site, type of traffic, devices, etc. This information is further used as a metric to increase conversion rates and prompt business.
  6. Crazy Egg: It is an intuitive visual tool that helps to understand user interaction on websites. There are heatmaps in it to show where users usually click, how much they scroll, etc. There is also an A/B testing feature that allows sellers to experiment with different designs and content to help them understand what their customers like the most.

Tools to personalise customer experiences

  1. Optimizely: It is an experimentation platform that helps sellers optimise their websites and apps through personalisation and A/B testing. It easily integrates with varying marketing tools and data sources to provide real-time personalised content as per customer behaviour. Sellers can create personalised experiences for customers as per their different sectors to improve conversion rates and customer satisfaction.
  2. Podium: It is a customer interaction platform that helps businesses and brands manage their online reviews, collect feedback, and communicate with customers. Podium helps sellers engage customers in a personalised manner while addressing their needs and issues.
  3. Dynamic yield: It is a comprehensive personalisation platform that helps deliver customised experiences across apps, email, and the web. It recommends products on the basis of customer preferences and behaviour while increasing customer engagement and sales.
  4. Adobe Experience Cloud: It is a holistic marketing tool that is designed to deliver personalised customer experiences through different channels. It has powerful analytics to understand customer behaviour, conducts cross-channel marketing, and provides AI-driven insights for targeted personalisation. With the help of the Adobe Experience Cloud, sellers can create a whole customised journey for customers while increasing sales and gaining loyalty.
  5. Segment: It is a customer data-based platform that helps sellers collect data for personalisation. It has multiple useful features, like data integration from different domains of a single customer, user segmentation as per customer behaviour and preferences, and integration with different marketing tools to improve customer engagement, increase conversion rates, and deliver personalised experiences.

How Can Tracking User Activities and Personalised Customer Experiences Help Businesses/ Sellers?

Tracking and monitoring user activities and personalisation for customers’ experiences is not only proven to be beneficial for customers but also for sellers or businesses. Here are some benefits of following such practices:

  1. Understanding user’s histories, needs, and preferences helps businesses create personalised experiences that cater to individual preferences, increasing customer satisfaction.
  2. Sellers can use data derived from user’s actions to target marketing strategies while increasing conversion rates and sales.
  3. Understanding customer preferences helps sellers create loyalty programmes that resonate with individual customers while building connections between brands and customers to increase loyalty and repeat business.
  4. Assessing user activities helps sellers provide relevant product recommendations while increasing product value, encouraging additional purchases, and making their brand generally relevant to customers.
  5. Efficient resources help businesses focus on marketing efforts to get the best results, reduce waste, and optimise budgets.
  6. Tracking customer experiences helps sellers locate issues in the process, which helps sellers address them actively.
  7. Sellers can have customised surveys as per user activities, feedback, and behaviours to improve their services and refine their product recommendations.
  8. Analysing user behaviour can help businesses optimise their apps and websites for a better experience, streamline the process, and reduce cart abandonments.


In conclusion, tracking users’ actions and personalising their experiences has never been as important or mandatory for sellers as it is now because of market competition. Tracking and customisation strategies help businesses grow and understand their customers deeply while improving customers’ overall satisfaction, customer loyalty, and sales. Different tools, like Hotjar, Google Analytics, Podium, Crazy Egg, Adobe, etc., are important to identify the issues faced by customers and their journeys and experiences. 

These tools also help optimise the user experience immediately in most conditions, deliver customised experiences, and help in making sound business decisions too. The use of these advanced tools can help your brand or business stand out in the marketplace, which is not only proven to improve customer satisfaction and engagement but also helps to grow business and succeed.

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