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5 eCommerce Checkout Page Badges to Boost Conversion Rates


Akesh Kumari

Specialist Marketing @ Shiprocket

October 16, 2024

8 min read

The checkout page is a critical moment in the customer journey for any eCommerce store. It’s where browsing turns into buying, and minor adjustments can significantly impact conversion rates. One proven way to boost trust and minimise friction during checkout is by incorporating strategic badges. These small but powerful visual cues reassure shoppers, fostering a sense of security and confidence in their decision to complete the purchase. From payment assurance to third-party endorsements, the right badges help reduce cart abandonment and encourage customers to take that final step with ease. 

Let’s explore the types of checkout page badges that can transform hesitant visitors into paying customers.

What are eCommerce Checkout Page Badges?

Trust badges or seals for eCommerce checkout pages are digital icons or logos that you can display on your eCommerce website. The main goal of adding trust badges on the checkout page is to help build customer trust in your business. They ensure customers the checkout process is safe, payment methods are trusted and reliable, and their data is secure. They reduce cart abandonment rates by reassuring them that a website is low-risk for online shopping. Eventually, your conversion rates increase. 

Here are some points you should keep in mind when choosing a trust badge to add to your website.

  • See whether the trust badge is relevant to your industry, business, and target audience. 
  • The badge should be from a trusted and reputable source.
  • Depending on where you want to place them, the type of trust badge will vary. Trust badges can be placed on the home page, checkout page, or product page. For example, you can add third-party endorsements to your home page, best-seller badges on relevant product pages, and safe & secure badges on the checkout page.
  • Identify what your customers are worried about. Are they worried about the payment method being unsafe? Or are they concerned about sharing their personal information? Is the thought of high shipping costs preventing them from buying at all? You can use the right trust badge to mitigate these fears.

Top 5 eCommerce Checkout Page Badges

Here are the 5 most common checkout page badges you can use to boost conversions.

  • Guaranteed safe & secure checkout trust badge

This eCommerce checkout trust badge indicates that your checkout process is secure and a customer’s personal information is protected. They help customers feel more confident about buying from you. To receive a trusted checkout badge, you’ll have to sign up for a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. 

SSL is responsible for protecting the internet connection and the data that is shared across that connection. You can purchase an SSL certificate from trusted and reputable sources. Once authenticated, you’ll receive the trust badge that you can display on your checkout page. It gives your customers reassurance of an additional layer of security during the important conversion stage. 

When your website has an SSL certificate, it indicates that it complies with complex online security measures. These security measures are essential to securely handle customer data. You may even run into trouble if you don’t implement the SSL protocol even before your customers make it to the checkout page. 

Most common browsers warn customers against visiting websites that aren’t SSL-protected. If customers proceed anyway, the browser displays a ‘not secure’ message in the search bar along with the website.  

  • Free shipping and returns badge

Free shipping badges, return badges, and other policy-related trust badges are also some of the most important checkout trust badges. A free shipping trust badge gives customers the security and confidence that they won’t have to pay shipping costs once they enter their payment details. Similarly, a free returns trust badge indicates that customers can easily return products without worrying about shipping costs. 

Unlike other badges, these are free, and they don’t even require third-party verification. They simply tell your customers about your brand’s shipping and returns policies. It’s a claim you can actually make about your own business. The main purpose of adding these eCommerce checkout badges is that they give customers a visual shortcut to your policies, which they don’t often read. 

  • Accepted payment badges

As the name suggests, these badges tell your customers what payment methods you accept. You can prominently display these badges on the one page checkout as well as on the home page or product page. This approach prevents customers from wondering if their preferred payment methods are accepted, eliminating any confusion.

These checkout badges show that your business is legitimate and committed to providing a seamless checkout process, enhancing your clients’ overall experience. Most payment providers enable eCommerce websites to display these badges for free. Eventually, they have something to gain from validating a website and customers making purchases via a particular payment method. You can add a badge for all types of payment methods you accept. 

  • Third-party endorsements and awards

These eCommerce badges are often granted by third-party brands. It acts as a badge of approval, recognition, and trust for your brand. Third-party endorsement badges and awards can help you build trust and credibility among customers. Google Verified Customer Reviews badge is one of the most popular examples of third-party endorsements. However, it’s not as simple to get these as it appears. You must deposit an application and wait for the approval before you actually get the badge. 

Once you receive the approval, you can place the badge on your checkout page. Additionally, you can place it on your home page to gain your customers’ trust from the moment they land on your website. Third-party endorsement badges have a significant impact on your conversion rates. It signals to potential customers that other customers have had a positive experience shopping for your brand. 

  • Money-back guarantee badges

Lastly, another eCommerce checkout badge that can cement your customer’s trust during the conversion stage is a money-back guarantee badge. It means a product or service comes with a 100% refund policy if a customer is not satisfied with their quality and experience. A full refund is just one type of money-back guarantee. Another popular type of you can implement for dissatisfied customers is the 30-day money-back guarantee. They make customers feel safe with a low-risk purchasing opportunity. It tells customers that there is little to lose if they don’t like the product or service they bought. It reassures them that it’s safe to purchase from you have a solid refund policy in place. 

Image text: Best Checkout Badges to Increase Trust & Conversion Rates 

What are the Benefits of eCommerce Checkout Page Badges?

There are several benefits of using eCommerce checkout badges. Let’s look at some of the most important ones.

  • Increase conversions 

Security concerns are among the significant reasons why customers don’t complete a purchase. In fact, 17% of customers abandon carts due to concerns about online security. Eliminating these concerns can help you reduce cart abandonment and increase conversions. When your customers see security badges, they are less likely to abandon their carts. Even though security badges don’t necessarily mean that you have taken care of the technical aspects to ensure data privacy, they reassure customers that their personal and financial information is safe with you during and after the purchase.

Other policy-specific trust badges, including free shipping and returns, money-back guaranteed badges, etc., help customers overcome their hesitation. They further remove barriers to online purchases, encouraging customers to complete their orders without any worries. 

  • Build customer trust and loyalty

Checkout trust badges signal to customers that an eCommerce website is legitimate and complies with the required security standards. They enhance your business’s perceived liability and demonstrate your commitment to customer safety, positively impacting your brand’s image online. With trust badges, you can reassure customers worried about falling for a scam or concerned about data security that your payment methods are safe and secure. 

Boost Conversions with Shiprocket Promise Trust Badges

Do you want to convert 10% more visitors with an eCommerce quality and trust badge? Shiprocket Promise enables you to provide a visual assurance of your commitment to safe and secure checkout and timely and reliable deliveries. We ensure a hassle-free shopping experience, encouraging more visitors to complete the purchase.

We offer the following features and benefits:

  • Display EDD in real-time and optimise EDD with multiple warehouse support
  • Convey your brand strengths and build credibility with Shiprocket Promise trust badges
  • Display verified seller information and build and maintain unbreakable trust 

With Shiprocket Promise, you can start with just Rs. 1.49 per order.


Incorporating trust badges on the checkout page of your eCommerce website is more than just for show. It can directly influence your conversion rates. By addressing customer concerns, such as security, payment reliability, and returns, these eCommerce checkout trust badges reassure buyers and remove any last-minute doubts. 

However, striking a balance is important, meaning too many badges can overwhelm customers. Using the right mix of trust badges will reinforce your brand’s credibility. When optimising your checkout page, it’s important to remember that trust, security, and customer convenience are essential for creating a seamless shopping experience to drive more conversions.

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